Üdvözlök mindenkit!
Árulom a Pannóniámat és már nagyon szeretném ha elvinnék. A napokban kaptam egy e-mailt a motorral kapcsolatban. Egy Angolul érdeklődő egyén volt. Az első kérdése ez volt: "Since when was it owned,When last was it used and why do you want to sell it,How much is your willing price for it?" Még elég életszerűnek tartom, hiszen általában ilyenekről szoktak kérdezni a motorvásárlók.
Válaszoltam: "2012. december 12. put up the internet. When the weather is allowed me I use it, eg: 2 week ago I use it for the motorcycle tour. Every third day start up, though. I starting the university at Szeptember and I don't have enough money to pay the tuition fee. The fix price is 470.000 Ft."
Erre meg érkezett a válasza: "I accept the price and condition you gave me and i will be paying you through PayPal(www.paypal.com) and i be responsible for the PayPal transfer charges cost,i hope you do have an account with paypal and if not this must be new to you, its easy you can easily create your PayPal account on their website atwww.paypal.com You dont have to wait for 2-3 days before you can receive money on it,Once you have created an account with PayPal just send your PayPal email and your name for the payment and here is my details below to show you that am seriously interested in your item
Name : Jack Hwart
Address : 826 8th Street
City : Wyandotte,
State: MI
Postal Code : 48192
Country: USA
Details needed for the payment through PayPal
Full Name:
PayPal Email:
Phone Number:
As soon as i receive this details from you, i will proceed with the payment immediately and for the picking up of the item, I have arrange for a private shipping agents who will be coming for the picking up after when the payment has been made to you.So you will need to send the address where the item will be available for pick up as soon as the payment is made to you."
Ettől az egésztől elkezdtem tartani. Valahogy nekem nagyon gyanús. Nem tudok sokat erről a PayPal-ról. Esetleg ha valakinek lenne ezzel kapcsolatban tapasztalata azt megköszönném ha leírná.
Még írtam neki egyszer: "I need some information, though. Why PayPal? Why not good for my bank account ? Furthermore, you pay for me the motorcycle price and what about the shipping cost? If you're seriousli about the purchase I checking the National Tax and Costums Administration how is it works and checking the district how am I able to sell. Later when I kwon it, I'm writing for you, you pay me and when I get the money, I put up the motorcycle by FedEx. 4 days later you get it. If is it good for you claim back."
Megjött rá a válasz: "Ok Oh i can see that all this is new to you,All you have to do is to create an account with PayPal at www.PayPal.com once you have the account created,You dont have to wait for 2-3 days just send me your PayPal email and your name for the payment and i have arrange for a private shipping agents that will be coming for the picking up at your address once the payment it made to you first and the shipping agents will be handling every document and signing on my behalf.."
Elnézést kérek azoktól akik nem tudnak angolul, pedig lehet, hogy jó tanácsokkal látnának el. Még egyszer elnézést a rengeteg szövegért, de tényleg nagyon érdekel. Ha valaki tudna tanácsot adni azt szívesen fogadnám.
Még egyszer köszönöm előre is az erőfeszítéseket.
Árulom a Pannóniámat és már nagyon szeretném ha elvinnék. A napokban kaptam egy e-mailt a motorral kapcsolatban. Egy Angolul érdeklődő egyén volt. Az első kérdése ez volt: "Since when was it owned,When last was it used and why do you want to sell it,How much is your willing price for it?" Még elég életszerűnek tartom, hiszen általában ilyenekről szoktak kérdezni a motorvásárlók.
Válaszoltam: "2012. december 12. put up the internet. When the weather is allowed me I use it, eg: 2 week ago I use it for the motorcycle tour. Every third day start up, though. I starting the university at Szeptember and I don't have enough money to pay the tuition fee. The fix price is 470.000 Ft."
Erre meg érkezett a válasza: "I accept the price and condition you gave me and i will be paying you through PayPal(www.paypal.com) and i be responsible for the PayPal transfer charges cost,i hope you do have an account with paypal and if not this must be new to you, its easy you can easily create your PayPal account on their website atwww.paypal.com You dont have to wait for 2-3 days before you can receive money on it,Once you have created an account with PayPal just send your PayPal email and your name for the payment and here is my details below to show you that am seriously interested in your item
Name : Jack Hwart
Address : 826 8th Street
City : Wyandotte,
State: MI
Postal Code : 48192
Country: USA
Details needed for the payment through PayPal
Full Name:
PayPal Email:
Phone Number:
As soon as i receive this details from you, i will proceed with the payment immediately and for the picking up of the item, I have arrange for a private shipping agents who will be coming for the picking up after when the payment has been made to you.So you will need to send the address where the item will be available for pick up as soon as the payment is made to you."
Ettől az egésztől elkezdtem tartani. Valahogy nekem nagyon gyanús. Nem tudok sokat erről a PayPal-ról. Esetleg ha valakinek lenne ezzel kapcsolatban tapasztalata azt megköszönném ha leírná.
Még írtam neki egyszer: "I need some information, though. Why PayPal? Why not good for my bank account ? Furthermore, you pay for me the motorcycle price and what about the shipping cost? If you're seriousli about the purchase I checking the National Tax and Costums Administration how is it works and checking the district how am I able to sell. Later when I kwon it, I'm writing for you, you pay me and when I get the money, I put up the motorcycle by FedEx. 4 days later you get it. If is it good for you claim back."
Megjött rá a válasz: "Ok Oh i can see that all this is new to you,All you have to do is to create an account with PayPal at www.PayPal.com once you have the account created,You dont have to wait for 2-3 days just send me your PayPal email and your name for the payment and i have arrange for a private shipping agents that will be coming for the picking up at your address once the payment it made to you first and the shipping agents will be handling every document and signing on my behalf.."
Elnézést kérek azoktól akik nem tudnak angolul, pedig lehet, hogy jó tanácsokkal látnának el. Még egyszer elnézést a rengeteg szövegért, de tényleg nagyon érdekel. Ha valaki tudna tanácsot adni azt szívesen fogadnám.
Még egyszer köszönöm előre is az erőfeszítéseket.